CShader::Attrib | |
CCamera | The camera object defines the view and projection matrices of a scene |
CColor | |
COBJLoader::FaceData | |
CFont | A font that can be used to display text. Characters can be accessed through a single texture atlas |
CFramebuffer | A custom framebuffer object allows to draw to non-default framebuffer locations and offers the possibility to attach textures |
CGeometryData | The underlying data of a geometry object |
▼CIDrawable | An interface for drawable objects |
CGeometry | A geometry object containing vertices and indices that can be rendered to the screen |
▼CModel | A 3d model that can be rendered to the screen |
▼CSprite | A 2d plane that can be rendered to the screen |
CTextSprite | A simple text sprite to display 2d text on the screen |
CRenderQueue | A render queue stores render calls and performs drawing in sorted order |
CIndexData | |
CInput | The input class is closely coupled to a view to retrieve actions taken by the user directly from the underlying UIView or window that it concerns |
CIRenderProject | This interface needs to be implemented if the renderer should be used in an object oriented manner |
▼CIShaderData | An interface for the underlying data of a shader |
CShaderDataFile | The underlying data of a shader is loaded from shader files |
CShaderDataGenerator | The underlying data of a shader is generated |
CLight | A simple point light source |
CMaterial | A material is associated with textures and a shader to define the look of an object |
CMaterialData | The underlying data of a material |
CMatrixStack | This is a matrix stack to temporarily store transformation matrices |
CModelData | |
CModelRenderer | A helper class to efficiently draw and queue models with one function call |
CObjectManager | This class manages all objects in a project and makes sure no object is created twice |
COBJLoader | Loads and processes OBJ models and materials |
CPoint3 | |
CProperties | A properties object caches data to pass to a shader (such as matrices, vectors and scalars) and can be associated with a drawable object |
CRenderCall | |
CRenderer | The main class that is able to initialize and maintain the render loop as well as a view, an input object, an object manager and a model renderer |
CShader | A shader class that represents a program to be run on the GPU |
CShaderGeneratorSettings | |
CTexCoord | |
▼CTexture | An image that can be applied to a surface of a drawable object |
CCubeMap | The cube map consists of six textures arranged in the shape of a cube |
CDepthMap | The depth map stores depth values in a texture |
CTextureData | The underlying data of a texture |
CTouch | An object that holds the characteristics of a touch on a touch screen |
CVector3 | |
CVertex | |
COBJLoader::VertexData | |
CView | An abstraction of the view the scene is drawn into |